
The working city of Lège bourg was created in 1924 on the initiative of the industrialist Henri Frugès following his creative encounter with Le Corbusier in 1923. This “revolutionary” achievement for the time, due to its architectural, urban and technical design, comprises seven buildings including six individual dwellings and a collective building.

Built in 1917 near the Parc de Chavat in Podensac, the water tower is Le Corbusier’s first work in France. It was abandoned a few decades later in favor of a new building with a larger capacity.

Cité Frugès is the prototype of the standardized housing development in the 1920s, at that time unmatched in its ambitions.

The Cabanon de Cap-Martin is both a total work of art and the archetype of the minimum cell, based on an absolute ergonomic and functionalist approach.

The Chapelle Notre-Dame du Haut de Ronchamp is iconic of Christianity’s sacred architecture, revolutionizing 20th century religious architecture.

The Maison de la Culture de Firminy, an innovative programme based on the concepts of the Radiant City and the Athens Charter, anticipates modern sculptural forms in architecture.

The Couvent Sainte-Marie de La Tourette is a unique synthesis of the achievements of the Modern Movement, combining Purist forms, Brutalist textures and revolutionary solutions in terms of living space.

The Villa Savoye is the absolute icon of the modern movement, immediately recognised as such.

The Manufacture de Saint-Dié, originating in the standards of the Radiant City and the Athens Charter, is the prototype of the Usine Verte that revolutionised working conditions.

The project was born from an order carried by the family house, cooperative of inhabitants gathering workers and foremen attached to the workshops of the port. The financing, ensured by the H.L.M., therefore obliged the strictest economy.

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