
Unité d’habitation – Berlin



Foerderverein Corbusierhaus Berlin e.V. - Flatowallee 16 - DE- 14055 Berlin


Open to visits




Unité d'Habitation, 1957, Berlin, Allemagne

Unité d'Habitation

The city of Berlin has come to take part: for the occasion of the great International “Inter-Bau” Exposition in the Tiergarten Park, it has decided to offer a demonstration of a housing unit of correct size. And it has donated its most beautiful site-the Olympic Hill in Charlottenburg. A housing unit of correct size of 400 lodgings, nearly 2000 people, will crown the hill. The housing unit of Charlottenburg benefits from preceding experience, in functioning as well as in proportioning.

Despite his strenuous objections, Le Corbusier’s working plans for the housing unit in Berlin were not respected. For all purposes, the building corresponds, in its functional aspects to a housing unit of Congruent Size. However, the manner of execution and the aesthetical interpretation are quite incompatible with Le Corbusier’s desires.

Text: Fondation Le Corbusier

Photo credits: Leslie Mozdzan

© FLC/ADAGP, 2022

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