Exhibition “Louis-Cyprien Rials, Un stade en Irak” at the Maison La Roche

From 3 to 25 July and from 20 August to 28 September, discover the new exhibition presented by the Fondation Le Corbusier at the Maison La Roche : « Louis-Cyprien Rials, Un stade en Irak — النظام هو مفتاح الحياة — Le Système est la clé de la vie ».

Artist Louis-Cyprien Rials recently studied modernist buildings in Iraq. Supported by Galerie Eric Mouchet, whose director is a Le Corbusier specialist, the artist has created a series of works based around one of the architect’s most emblematic buildings: the Baghdad gymnasium. The Fondation Le Corbusier is joining in this project by hosting an exhibition devoted to this work from 3 July, curated by Guillemette Morel-Journel and produced thanks to the YOOMA Urban Lodge hotels.

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